Getting your roof replaced is a big deal. As a multi-day process, it will start out with your roofer first removing all of the existing shingles and underlayment. Once that has been removed, a new underlayment will be placed along with a waterproof barrier. After this, your roofer will then start putting on the shingles. And, depending on the type of shingles that they are using, the process may take longer than you may think. While your roofer is already on top of your house replacing it, there may be a few cosmetic things that you may want to have them do since they are already up there. Read on to learn more.
A Skylight
A skylight is basically like a sunroof for your house. If you have a room in your house that lacks a lot of natural light and that you feel could use some more sun, then having a skylight placed in it may be the perfect way to do just that. During a skylight installation, your roofer will make a hole in your roof to place the skylight in; then they will shingle around it. The fun thing about a skylight is that you can basically make one that's any size or shape depending on the square footage you have in that particular room.
A Bigger Pitch
If you have a 1950's ranch-style house, then your roof is probably fairly flat and lacks dimension. If you have always wanted to add more dimension to it, then you may want to have it pitched a little bit more. Depending on how big of a pitch you want, the process may not be nearly as complex as you may think. In order to pitch the roof, your roofer will have to break it down to the trusses. Then, from there, they will create a pitch that has all of the correct angles to make sure it is going to protect your house. Once a new pitch has been made; they will then add a new roof on top of it.
If you don't have a two-story house but you like the look of one, then you may want to talk to your roofer about adding dormers. Dormers are windows that protrude from the roof and they add dimension and character to a home. Whether you have a room in your attic or not, you can still create the appearance of one.
Sometimes it just makes sense to do more work while you're already in the midst of getting stuff done. If you have been wanting to make some of these cosmetic changes to your roof, then you may as well do it at the same time that you are having your roof replaced. To learn more, reach out to a company that offers roofing replacement services in your area today.