When it comes to making changes to your home's exterior and interior, doing things all at once can usually save you a lot of time, money, and hassle. If you are in need of a brand-new roof, then you may want to speak to your contractor about some other things while they are tearing off your old one and replacing the new one.
A Slope In Your Roof
Depending on your house and the part of the country that you live in, your home may have experienced some settling as time has gone by. Settling is when your house settles into the ground, which can cause a variety of issues, including a cracked foundation or even a sloped roofline. If you look at the front of your house and notice that it's almost sagging in the middle, then you may want to talk to your roofing contractor about fixing this. Typically, they will just need to resupport your roof and then add a new underlayment.
A New Pitch
Having a house with a flat roof is great if you really like the mid-century modern style, but if you have always wanted to have a more traditional roofline, then now is the perfect chance for you to talk to a roofer about doing this. After they tear off your existing roof, they will then build up a new roofline or at least create the appearance of a new roofline to give your house that dimension that you've been wanting. The unique thing about this change is that it can truly change your home's entire appearance and increase its curb appeal.
A Fireplace
Adding a fireplace to your house is a huge project, but it is one that is easier to do when the roof is off. Why? Because once they build the structure inside of your house, they will have to build the fireplace all the way through the top of your roof so that the fire can escape safely through it. Your roofer can work with a brick mason to build up a fireplace that is really supportive and durable.
If you have it in your budget to do some other house projects at the same time that you are redoing your roof, then you may as well talk to your roofing contractor about it. To learn more about roofing costs, repairs, and remodeling projects, go to sites like http://www.allamericanroofing.com.